The Maninjau Lake through an off the usual road or to Bukittinggi, in the upper hills of the Minangkabau Culture


1,2,3,4 persons

Hotel to Hotel

Two options

Padang Maninjau or

Padang Bukittinggi

Rent a car

our driver/guide drives you there

Departure 7/8am

Lunch included


Once arrived on top of the cliffs surrounding the lake, we turn left to spend the day around Maninjau Lake

Or turn right to Bukittinggi ;in both cases you will enjoy the Maninjau Lake, sparkling on nice days.

We will drive around, if you are not late you will enjoy the sunset over the ocean on the beach of Pariaman city, back in Padang as night gets in

Bukittinggi, located in the upper hills of the Minangkabau Culture is a charming provincial city nestled down the Singgalang and the Marapi volcanoes,

Lit by its main tourist attraction Jam Gadang, a Clock artistically lit at night, you’ll shop cheap but nice clothes there

A glimpse at the one week road trip around West Sumatra